Introducing NAMM Industry Insights
A Global Perspective from NAMM Travel [Downloadable PDF]

When I began my role as president and CEO of NAMM, I recognized that our industry continues to recover across many segments, and we must work together globally to grow as an industry. With NAMM being the largest music trade association and The NAMM Show being the only global gathering of our industry, it is essential that we understand our global markets in order to evolve and lead the industry into the future. So, we decided to travel the world to gain valuable insights, and as your association, we want to share them with our members.
In September and October, I traveled to countries across Europe, visited Brazil and met with Latin American leaders, and traveled to China and Japan. I made each trip with different NAMM staff and in partnership with various local industry associations. We spoke with a diverse subset of retailers, distributors, manufacturers and association partners, and took copious notes. While we all have access to the trade reports and sales data provided to our industry, there is nothing that can replace being on the ground and getting firsthand accounts of local market conditions. These trips proved to be incredibly valuable, and we are excited to share our observations with our members.
It is important to note that the following report is purely anecdotal and does not represent any official view or stance of NAMM. While based on many corroborated conversations with very knowledgeable global industry leaders, and reviewed carefully by trusted industry sources, the information I present below is based on my perspective and learnings from recent travels. My hope is that this global perspective can be helpful to our industry and allow us to all hear a firsthand account of what I have gathered, so we can all make more informed decisions about our recovery.
John Mlynczak
NAMM President and CEO
The NAMM Industry Insights Report is available to all NAMM members. If you or your company are not current members, you can join or renew today!