Retail Boot Camp - Sales, Marketing & Websites

Upgrade the way you do business. Join Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor®, and find out how to attract more customers, make bigger sales and earn the profits you seek! He’ll dive into creative ways to reinvent the customer experience, increase your value through your people and deal with customers’ smartphones once and for all. Phibbs will also look at the top shopping trends and how Millennials and baby boomers have different expectations of retail.

Build a website worthy of your store. No matter how fast things move in the digital world, there’s one constant: your website. Digital marketing pioneer Larry Bailin will dive deep into why most websites are just websites while others lead the charge as sales and marketing powerhouses. Real-world music retail examples and live website reviews will help you better understand what works, what doesn’t and how to be an online marketing guru.

Go beyond the “Like” on social media. It now takes more to break through the noise and get noticed on social media. Ben Blakesley, social media marketing leader at Reebok and music retail expert, will show new and inventive ways to build valuable customer relationships using social platforms. He’ll discuss how social media marketing has evolved and, most importantly, how to change your thinking to go beyond standard online content. Walk away with helpful examples of businesses using social platforms in innovative ways.

* Session is full. We are no longer accepting new registrations for this event.

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