Marshall Bissett found his way into the music industry by way of the British theater scene. With the dream of working backstage in theater, Marshall transformed that dream into a successf...
Sylvia Cunliffe was working for the City of Los Angeles when she created and produced a series of large public events that brought music to millions over the years. The Los Angeles Stree...
Randy "Baja" Fletcher was a well respected production manager of live events who won the 2010 Parnelli Life Time Achievement Award for his dedication to the industry. His long and passio...
Mark Frink has been providing well respected and well attended sessions within the Tec Tracks programs during the Anaheim NAMM Shows for several years. His background in audio engineerin...
Les Harrison is the president of Hollywood Sound Systems in Hollywood, California. The company provides sound system and designs both to purchase and to rent and has been an innovator in...
Dan Melson was born into a show-business family. He worked as the assistant electrician for the Local 33 Stage Technicians Union for roughly 35 years. Over the years, Dan worked on hundre...
Yvan Miron is from a long line of craftsman, a family trade that he traces back to the mid-1600s. Born in Quebec, Yvan started playing guitar when he headed off to college and after he fi...
Bobby Thrasher has his roots in fabrication and was able to merry that talent into a career in music by accepting a position as a stage hand managing hydraulics with Emerson, Lake & P...