New Canada Rules on Ivory Import/Export
New rule goes into effect January 1, 2024

The Canadian government has enacted amendments to its wildlife protection regulations to require that all persons entering or leaving Canada with musical instruments or other products containing ivory must obtain a valid export permit from their departure country and an import permit from Canada.
The new requirement, effective January 1, 2024, thus eliminates earlier exemptions for personal effects and household property. There are no exceptions for musical instruments containing pre-CITES elephant ivory.
The new permit requirements will be enforced beginning January 8, 2024. Items coming into or out of Canada on and after this date will require the appropriate permits. If it can be shown that the imported or exported item was in transit before November 22, 2023, (CGII publication) ECCC will not apply the new requirements even if they arrive at the border after the coming into force date.
For assistance you may contact CITES Canada.
CITES Canada - Management Authority
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment Canada
351, St. Joseph Blvd, PVM - 15th floor,
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1-855-869-8670
Fax: 1-855-869-8671
email: cites@ec.gc.ca