NAMM Music Education Advocacy D.C. Fly-In Promo Kit

Coming May 2025

Selfie at the Capitol

Amplify Your Advocacy!

Your passion and commitment makes a big impact on Capitol Hill when we meet with our elected representatives to ask them to fund Titles I, II, and IV Part A as well as the NEA to ensure equity and access to music education.

Whether you stand with us in person, from home near a school that needs more music education or from an award-winning NAMM Foundation Best Community for Music Education district, we want to make sure you have all the tools necessary to stay engaged in this successful campaign.

Promotional Toolkit and Media Release

Spread the word of your advocacy work using this complete promotional toolkit containing strategies for social media posts and templates you can customize and send out to your local media.

Contact to receive a list of your local media contacts.

Suggested Social Media Language
Download Media Release Template

Download Complete Toolkit

Be Social!

Amplify your impact by sharing these assets on your personal and business social media accounts or personalize your posts by adding your photo using our Canva templates below.

As you mention your participation in the Fly-In, include the following links, social media handles and hashtag to reach a larger audience:

Twitter: @namm
Facebook: @nammorg
Official Hashtag: #NAMMFlyIn

Download Designed Assets
Logos of Social Media Companies

Canva Templates

Use our Canva templates to add your photo and post to your favorite platforms. If you do not have a Canva account, simply create a free account and edit the design.