John Massa


Oral History Information

Interview Date
Birth Date
Deceased Date
Job Title
Former Vice President of Customer Service
Company Name
Selmer Company

John Massa was the vice president of customer service at the Selmer Company and was known for building a strong dealer base, many of which became his personal friends. John contracted Polio at the age of 12 and spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair, but never once let his disability define him. He was a pioneer in handicap awareness by just insisting he be able to do his job. As a result ramps were added to airports he used and buildings he worked in. During his 17 years of attending the Frankfurt Fair special chairlifts were installed to accommodate his needs. When John was interviewed he made it clear that what he was most proud of was the friendships he created over the years. “We all need friends and I found the truest of friends are those I have made in the music industry.”