Rick Beato, born in Rochester, New York, embarked on his musical journey early on. He honed his craft at Ithaca College, earning a Bachelor of Arts in music, and later pursued a Masters i...
Nick Bowcott is a founding member of the British heavy metal band, Grim Reaper. Nick put the band together in 1979 and by 1985 had gained commercial success namely due to Nick’s guitar sk...
Nick D’Virgilio grew up in the Los Angeles area and was exposed to music at a very young age. He was given his first drum set when he was 5 years old and was in a band by the time he was ...
Sean Daniel, an influential content creator, embarked on his digital odyssey with an insatiable love for music and a knack for translating complex concepts into digestible videos. From gu...
Arthur Dark grew up in a musical household thanks to his parents. Arthur dabbled with the violin when he was 4 years old, but was quickly drawn to the piano around age 5 or 6. After a tim...
Danielle Engen wears many hats at Electric Feel, something that seems to be a trend in her career in the recording industry. Always willing to pitch in and cover whatever needs to be don...
Michelle Guzman serves as Yamaha’s Senior Director of In-House Agency. In the early part of her career, she worked on automotive advertisements before joining Yamaha in 2018, which was a ...
Eggy Hernandez’s grandfather purchased a drum kit for him when he was in the seventh grade from Micheo Music in Puerto Rico. Eggy took lessons for three years and really developed a passi...
Tracy Hoeft is a seasoned music aficionado, ignited by an early fascination with rhythm and melody. During his formative years, Tracy immersed himself in the world of music, commencing hi...
Kairalis Pacheco proudly refers to her father as her hero. As a musician in Puerto Rico, he spoke out about some of the struggles his community experienced with the police and politicians...
Andrea Rodriguez grew up in a music centric family with her father and uncle being music retailers and her older brother a trumpet player. Her passion for conveying messages and marketing...