Dave Firestone joined the pro audio industry, thanks to his friend Greg Mackie. Greg asked Dave to help him with his mixer products and in fact was on the ground floor of Mackie Designs ...
Niclas Luthman has a long history in the music industry. Beginning in 1989 at a NAMM show, Niclas started his distribution company by "accidentally" taking on the M-Audio line for Scandin...
Greg Mackie is the engineer who created a number of audio products that came at the perfect time to start a whole new era in sound production. Mackie Designs helped define the pro audio ...
John Maier had parents that were both singers and would often hang out at the theater where his parents would perform. He used to get in trouble for tapping his pencil during tests and wo...
George Mantoan got his start in music by playing in a rock and roll band. He took his knowledge of music products and ran a successful music store in downtown Chicago. He also offered cre...
Hyman Peller, in 1975, left a corporate job in NJ and moved to upstate, NY. Once there he found employment in a music store, a job for which he says he was unqualified. The owner set abou...
Cal Perkins was the product engineer for a number of innovative products over his long and successful career. Cal's background and training on early amplification and audio technology r...
Marcello Vercelli was trained as a mechanical engineer and landed his first job in the music industry at RCF. RCF is an Italian based professional loudspeaker manufacturer, and a big OEM...