Ted Burger, president of Hanser Music Group, epitomizes a harmonious blend of passion, expertise and dedication. Hailing from Fairport, New York, Ted's musical odyssey began at the tender...
Diane Clark enthusiastically joined the Lowrey Organ Company team in 1977 when it was owned by Chicago Musical Instruments (CMI). When she reported to Dennis Houlihan, Diane diligently he...
Craig Denny loves band rental night so much, partly because he remembers the own experience as one of his most meaningful. He was eight years old and the team at Quinlan & Fabish Musi...
Morgane Devos had a strong background in marketing before joining the Shure Inc. team in 2018. She serves as Senior Marketing Manager and greatly enjoys working closely with the sales tea...
Antoinette Follett is an experienced communications professional in the music industry and founder of Method Marketing, Inc. With her expertise in communications, public relations, and m...
Russ Gazda recalls listening to his mother playing the Hawaiian Guitar as a child. He played the accordion and later was introduced to the Hammond B-3, thanks to recordings by his hero Bo...
Michelle Guzman serves as Yamaha’s Senior Director of In-House Agency. In the early part of her career, she worked on automotive advertisements before joining Yamaha in 2018, which was a ...
Dennis Hallmeyer has fond memories of his years playing mallet percussion in the school’s marching band, eventually progressing to the xylophone. Beginning in the 7thgrade Dennis took a k...
Chris Hankes and his sisters attended Catholic schools and were always involved in the music programs, including Chris playing in the marching band in 7th grade. Those experiences created...
Carlos Hidalgo was just thirteen when he learned the guitar and fifteen when he switched to drums. A year later he was working in a local music store, Allegro Musical. Carlos really enjoy...
Abby Kaplan is the Vice President of Global Retail Sales for Shure Incorporated. Her approach to digital commerce and vertical marketing has helped the company expand its reach around the...
Susan Kniepkamp fondly recalls the job opportunity she eagerly pursued at Chicago Musical Instruments (CMI), perhaps mostly because it eventually led to meeting her future husband, Albert...
Nat Kusano has always been compelled to create and market ideas and products that inspire and encourage people to pick up an instrument and play. Having had piano lessons when he was a ch...
Lisa MacDonald is the Director of Vertical Marketing for Yamaha, focused on serving the needs of key customer groups, especially music educators and houses of worship. She played violin i...
Jim Mack has had a long and successful career in the music and sound industry, which all began while in high school playing guitar and taking a keen interest in the business side of music...
Takaki Maeda and his team were celebrating the 40th anniversary of Casio's Musical Instruments division while attending the NAMM Show in 2020. This special occasion was the perfect opport...
Kevin R. Maher grew up in his family’s music publication business, a business responsible for the iconic jazz magazine DownBeat as well as the music product industry’s Music Inc and UpBea...
Vanessa Mering took a summer job at Alesis while studying at UCLA. That position was her introduction to the music industry for which she has been a vital part of ever since. With a focus...
Michael Newsom proudly serves as the Marketing Director for LR Baggs. The position brings together Michael’s passion for music and love of gear. As a kid, he played in bands with his brot...
Tamara Osheroff enjoyed a 30-plus career in marketing and formed a well-respected agency with her partner. When her husband, Christian Dean, brought up the idea of buying a music store sh...
Kairalis Pacheco proudly refers to her father as her hero. As a musician in Puerto Rico, he spoke out about some of the struggles his community experienced with the police and politicians...
Kevin Philbin is the Director of Sales & Marketing for KHS America, located in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. His musical journey began as a child growing up with a dad who played drums. When...
John Schauer grew up in Indiana where his father offered him some sage advice; “if you listen, you will know what to say.” The quote stayed with John as he developed a career in the music...
Shawn Bruce played piano and guitar as a teenager, not knowing at the time he would have a 20-plus-year career with the Piano Technicians Guild! With a background as a newspaper reporter ...
DJ She Beatz was raised in St. Louis, surrounded by a family that deeply appreciated music. She began playing piano at an early age and sang for as long as she can remember, her voice bec...
Leng Tshua has played an important role in the piano industry both in the United States and his home country, Singapore. His passion for music began when he was inspired by his aunt playi...
Morgan Walker worked in the marketing side of the sports industry before being hired by Korg USA, in 2014, to focus on public relations and managing special events. She grew in her positi...