Before starting their store in the mid-1960s, Lauren Haas Amanfoh's grandfather went to his childhood music store and asked the owners how they survived the Great Depression. With their a...
Want to attract more customers to your store? Want the customers who do visit your store to purchase more products? Want to accomplish this without spending money? Learn how to effectivel...
George Hines, George's Music
Why should someone shop at your store when it’s so easy to compare products and prices using an Internet search engine or calling one of your competitors? Cus...
Presented by Peter Dods, Easy Music Center
Peter Dods, owner of Easy Music Center, shares how your store can hire better, more qualified employees. Borrowing on a great piece of advice, ...
Jen Tabor of Souldier Guitar Straps, USA, presents ways to give your retail store a facelift and turn your employees into assets. Unlock the hidden potential in your store with simple ide...
Listen as Billy Cuthrell, owner of Progressive Music Center, explains how he increases efficiency in his store through delegation and one on one communication with his staff.
Mark Hiskey, President of ILIo, reveals the changes his company made to meet the challenges of the current financial climate.
1. Refocus on core successes. As a distributor of virtual in...
This record-setting Breakfast Session left attendees inspired and motivated to breathe new life into their businesses as hosts Alan Friedman and Danny Rocks served up "25 Ideas for Improv...